Want to get involved?

Sunday School

Our Sunday School is a time of spiritual growth for all who desire to grow closer to Jesus. Our Sunday School classes grow together and experience life together. They are designed to put people together that are in the same situation in life. Whether it be single or married, male or female, each class will work together to provide for the spiritual and physical growth of its members.


We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45am for Sunday School and we have classes for all ages. 



Our Children’s program is designed to provide spiritual growth and care for newborns to 6th grade. Children will learn about Jesus, with exciting and engaging bible studies and activities.


We meet on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm.


We also provide other activities for children, such as, a Fall Festival, Easter activities, Vacation Bible School, Christmas program, etc. 



Our Youth program is focused on those in 7th to 12th grade. Our focus is to help them navigate through one of the most challenging periods of their lives. We do this by teaching them biblical values and how to apply these values to their lives.


We meet on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm for bible study and various other activities.


Our Youth leaders provide opportunities for our youth to grow in their walk with Jesus and teach them to share Jesus with their friends and classmates.


Many activities are offered that provide our youth with opportunities to serve the church and the community. They are also provided with ways to grow closer to each other and make a positive impact in their community. 

Men and Women Mission Groups


The men/women of our church are dedicated to helping spread the gospel throughout all the world. They do this through prayer and service. Our men/women are involved in many projects throughout the year.

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